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Whis also adds his earlier theory about how Goku Black is able to time travel using Supreme Kai's method. Gowasu explains that Zamasu has left on what he called an important mission.

Goku tries to warn Gowasu of what Zamasu has done in the future, but Beerus promptly silences him. They wonder if Gowasu noticed anything wrong with his apprentice. Gowasu mentions the doubts Zamasu has had regarding the role of the Supreme Kai and their relationship with mortals, but it should not be a cause for concern. Just as Gowasu finishes, Zamasu arrives. Whis gifts Gowasu with rice cakes and says that he and the others did not mean to disturb Zamasu and him. While they are in space, Whis uses his staff to eavesdrop on Gowasu and Zamasu.

They watch as Zamasu kills Gowasu. Whis turns back time so that Goku can save Gowasu. Zamasu claims he did not plan on killing Gowasu, but Whis tells him otherwise. Angered that his plan has failed, Zamasu tries to destroy Goku. Beerus saves Goku and destroys Zamasu. With the present day Zamasu destroyed, Goku and the others decide to track down Goku Black. With Zamasu defeated, Beerus is convinced that Future Trunks' timeline has become peaceful once again. Although hesitant, Future Trunks decides to go back to his timeline to make sure that is the case.

Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma accompany him. As soon as they arrive, they realize that nothing has changed. Future Zamasu and Goku Black learn of Goku and the others' return. Shortly afterwards, the two groups meet.

Goku Black reveals he stole the body of Goku's timeline with the wish granted by the Super Dragon Balls. Goku Black used its potential to grow stronger than Goku himself.

Future Goku Black further reveals himself to be the version of Zamasu who successfully destroyed Gowasu and was apparently erased by Whis' time powers. Goku Black had protected himself by using the Time Ring. Zamasu reveals himself to be Zamasu from Future Trunks' alternate timeline, who used the Super Dragon Balls in this timeline to wish for immortality. Goku fights Goku Black and Future Zamasu, but he is outmatched by the two villains.

Goku Black tells Goku that after taking over his body, he killed Chi-Chi and Goten just to spite him. Goku is enraged and fights Goku Black and Future Zamasu. He is initially able to hold his own, but he is soon overpowered and knocked out. With Goku defeated, Future Trunks and Vegeta are backed into a corner. Future Zamasu holds Future Trunks and his constant time-traveling responsible for thwarting his plan to eradicate all mortals.

This infuriates Future Trunks, who explodes and transforms into an immensely powerful new form of Super Saiyan. Trunks' Furious Super Power Explodes!! Trunks' Furious Burst of Super Power! Future Trunks tells Vegeta to take Goku back to the past, while he faces their opponents. Goku Black attempts to prevent them from escaping, but he fails to do so. Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma arrive in the present. Believing they had done their part, Beerus and Whis leave.

Krillin hesitates and dodges the question. They leave for Bulma's house to ask her the same question. Once there, they meet Goku in bandages. With everyone present, Piccolo thinks of a new plan. Vegeta's Heroic Battle Begins!! Vegeta's Fierce Battle Commences! Future Trunks leaves for the hideout. Future Mai tries to shoot Goku Black, but she misses her shot. Future Trunks fights the two again without success. Goku and Vegeta arrive just in time to save him.

Goku Black destroys the Time Machine, but Bulma manages to salvage what was left by dousing the fire. Gowasu and the Supreme Kai of Universe Seven arrive from the past to stop Future Zamasu from going on a killing spree. Goku Black and Future Zamasu explain that they killed all of the Supreme Kais in the future timeline. During the conversation, it is revealed that Whis and those like him are actually angels.

Goku Black tries to kill Gowasu, but Goku and Vegeta stop him. Vegeta gets the upper hand over Goku Black due to his latest training, which he interprets as a tipping point in his latent power that he possesses as the Prince of all Saiyans.

Praise Him! Fusion Zamasu's Explosive Birth!! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! Gattai Zamasu bakutan!! Vegeta continues to overpower Goku Black. Future Zamasu attempts to intervene, but Goku cuts him off.

Goku Black realizes that Vegeta's increased power comes from his anger and uses that method to increase his own power. However, he sees through her trick and knocks her out. However, in the present, Master Roshi realizes that Goku forgot the paper amulet that would make the seal permanent.

As a result, the seal fails and Future Zamasu breaks out of the jar, which weakened him. Goku Black goes to help him, and Goku and Vegeta follow in pursuit. Realizing that they have underestimated their enemies, Goku Black and Future Zamasu use their Potara earrings to fuse into an immensely powerful being known as Fusion Zamasu. Fusion Zamasu explains that he possesses the immortality of Future Zamasu as well as Goku Black's Saiyan ability to grow stronger from each fight.

He shows off his power and devastates the Earth in the process. Goku and Vegeta fight Fusion Zamasu, but they are easily defeated. Future Trunks joins the fight, but he is also overpowered.

Fusion Zamasu begins charging up an enormous ki blast known as the Holy Wrath to destroy the planet. Future Trunks uses a last-ditch Galick Gun attack to hold him off. Vegeta joins the clash with his own all-out Galick Gun. Surprisingly, their combined attack overpowers Fusion Zamasu's attack and saves the Earth. However, Fusion Zamasu survives unscathed. Vegeta barely saves Future Trunks from a deadly attack by Fusion Zamasu. Vegeta gets knocked out by the blast.

Fusion Zamasu charges a second attack, but Goku rejoins the fight and counters it with his Kamehameha attack. The Miraculous Power of a Relentless Warrior!

Goku puts all of his power into his Kamehameha, which is able to pierce through Fusion Zamasu's attack and stop him from destroying Earth. In the wake of the explosion, Goku is exhausted, and Fusion Zamasu is injured.

When Fusion Zamasu grabs him, Goku overpowers him using his Kaio-ken technique and knocks Fusion Zamasu back temporarily. However, Goku's use of the Kaio-ken drains all of his energy, and he collapses. Fusion Zamasu regains consciousness and powers up, but he still does not heal properly. Vegeta wonders why Fusion Zamasu is not healing. Gowasu explains that Fusion Zamasu must be mortal since Goku Black was as well. Goku decides that the only way they can win is for him and Vegeta to fuse using Universe Seven Supreme Kai's Potara earrings.

Vegeta initially refuses until Gowasu explains that a Potara fusion that does not involve a Supreme Kai only lasts for one hour. Goku and Vegeta fuse to become Vegito. Vegito quickly gains the advantage, but Fusion Zamasu grows even stronger. Gowasu explains that Zamasu's mutation is a result of his anger manifesting in physical form.

Future Mai gives Future Trunks his broken sword, which inspires him to keep fighting. Future Trunks uses his power to restore the sword. Vegito and Fusion Zamasu continue fighting. Vegito is winning until his fusion abruptly ends due to the strain from his immense power. Future Trunks unknowingly begins gathering energy from all living things on Earth and creates a Spirit Bomb, which he channels into his sword.

With this new power, Future Trunks runs his sword through Fusion Zamasu and cuts him in half. Fusion Zamasu expresses his disbelief that a mortal could defeat him and disintegrates. However, as everyone exchanges congratulations, Fusion Zamasu's essence returns and begins spreading over the entire planet.

Gowasu explains that Zamasu has cast off his physical form, and Zamasu is trying to physically merge his spirit and energy with the entire universe. Zamasu begins raining destruction down on the Earth and annihilates everything and everyone on the planet except Goku and the others. Zamasu's power is even felt in the present timeline, where Beerus and Whis sense it.

After the others return to the present, Goku and Future Trunks return to what is left of the future timeline. Whis explains that they can return to the future timeline before Zamasu became a threat, which would create a new and safe version of the future timeline with the price of there being two duplicates of both Future Trunks and Future Mai living in the new timeline.

Future Trunks and Future Mai accept Whis' solution and use the time machine to travel to their new future. Whose Wish Will Be Granted? Kanaeru negai wa dare no mono!? Bulma is secretly trying to build a new Time Machine, but she has so far been unsuccessful. Goku decides to gather the Dragon Balls and use them to revive King Kai. However, Bulma wants to use them to acquire a rare mineral that she needs for the Time Machine, which can only be found at the Earth's core. Wanting to taste more Earth food, Beerus and Whis return to Earth.

Bulma takes them to a seafood restaurant and attempts to keep them from finding out about the Time Machine as they had previously forbidden her from making another Time Machine. Goku gathers the Dragon Balls and summons Shenron. Before Goku can make his wish, several others show up who want to make their respective wishes. As the others are all fighting over the wishes, Gohan arrives with Pan, who is sick and suffering from a severe fever. Goku and the others immediately allow Gohan to use one of the two wishes to heal Pan.

After Gohan and Pan leave, the others resume fighting over the remaining wish. Bulma manages to talk everyone else out of making wishes by solving their problems herself. Goku still insists on getting his wish granted. Bulma agrees, but she convinces Goku to go to the Earth's core and retrieve the rare mineral she needs in exchange for letting him use the wish.

Beerus and Whis finish eating and leave the restaurant. They spot Shenron and promptly go to the scene. They find Goku at the Earth's core. Just as Goku is about to make his wish, the Dragon Balls deactivate and scatter across the Earth. Goku promises to revive King Kai as soon as the Dragon Balls reactivate. Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks attend a science competition that Bulma is participating in, which is hosted by Mr.

Goku is hired to work security for the event. Senbei Norimaki of Penguin Village, who has created a device that can create any item its user can think of out of thin air, wins the award.

Norimaki's nemesis, Dr. Mashirito, appears as a ghost, and reveals that he has used a chemical called Playtine-X to gain control over Norimaki's powerful robot daughter named Arale Norimaki. Vegeta attempts to stop Arale, but her overwhelming strength and seeming ability to defy the laws of physics are too much for him. She sends him flying into the distance. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and begins fighting Arale.

They initially seem to be evenly matched, but it becomes apparent that their battle could easily destroy the Earth. Norimaki is able to use his new invention to distract Arale temporarily. Meanwhile, Bulma uses the invention to conjure up a mass of delicious food, which immediately attracts Beerus, who had been taking a nap.

Mashirito confronts Beerus, who promptly obliterates him. Beerus also easily overpowers Arale. Just as Beerus is about to destroy her, the food he has eaten causes him severe stomach pain, which prompts him to rush home with Whis immediately. Shortly afterwards, Dr. Norimaki and Arale leave and return home. Goku and Arale agree to fight again in the future.

This Time We Fight with Baseball!! This Time, a Baseball Game! The baseball game is arranged to be held on Universe Seven's Earth. Champa explains to Vados that he intends to use the baseball game as an opportunity to steal food from Earth. The baseball game begins with Goku initially unsuccessful as the pitcher for Beerus' team due to his lack of experience.

Yamcha, who has extensive experience playing baseball, steps up and gives the Universe Seven team an advantage. However, he is injured several times over the course of the game by Vegeta, who is playing on the Universe Six team with Champa. Champa and Beerus end up fighting, which almost destroys the Earth. Whis and Vados intervene and call the baseball game off. Vados reveals that Yamcha, despite his injuries, made it to home plate and scored a run before the baseball game was called off.

This results in Universe Seven winning the baseball game. Champa and his team return to Universe Six. Champa has seemingly forgotten his goal of stealing Universe Seven's Earth food. Champa has already become obsessed with training to prepare for a rematch. Goku begins acting strangely. He admits to Gohan and Goten that he thinks someone wants to kill him.

Meanwhile, in Universe Six, Hit carries out an assassination mission by killing a crime boss. His next target is revealed to be Goku. Goku senses Hit coming and flies to a remote area so that their fight would not put anyone else in danger.

Hit arrives to kill Goku. Goku charges at Hit, but he cannot hit him. Hit seemingly kills Goku with a single blow to the chest and disappears just before Piccolo, Gohan, and Goten arrive to find Goku's body. The Invisible Killing Strike!! The Unseen Killing Technique! Mienai koroshi no waza!!

Piccolo tries to revive Goku to no avail, but Goku had fired an energy blast in the air shortly before he was killed that revives him. Goku learns that Hit's assassination technique is an invisible energy blast.

Goku shocks Hit by being the first person to ever dodge this technique, but he is still unable to land a blow on Hit and remains at a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, Champa and Vados come to see the fight. They are later joined by Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis. Vados explains how Hit is able to use his secret technique, which makes him seemingly untouchable. In the midst of the battle, Goku fires his Kamehameha attack, which proves to be powerful enough to knock out both Hit and himself. In the aftermath, Goku reveals to Champa, Beerus, and Vegeta that he had hired Hit because he wanted to fight him at full strength.

Whis and Vados were involved in Goku's plan to hire Hit. An Unexpected Great Saiyaman Movie?! Satan reveals to Videl and Gohan that he is starring in a new superhero film: titled ' Great Saiyaman vs.

Mister Satan '! As Videl, Gohan, and Pan check out the film set, the lead in the film, Barry Kahn, who is a famous but self-absorbed actor, becomes enamored with Videl and tries to woo her. Videl rejects Barry in front of the entire film crew, which angers him.

Seeking revenge on Videl for his humiliation, Barry convinces Gohan to take over as the main stuntman for the film in order to embarrass and potentially maim him.

As Gohan is the real Great Saiyaman, he uses his powers to easily take on the role. Gohan later dons the suit again for a fight against a pair of bank robbers. When the film crew accuses Gohan of using the suit and stopping the bank robbery, Bulma bails him out. However, Gohan's identity is accidentally revealed to Cocoa, who is a starlet in the film. Cocoa blackmails Gohan into flying her around the city. The Unbeatable Great Saiyaman!! The Indomitable Great Saiyaman! Gohan manages to dodge Jaco's cannon blast and learns of Watagashi's ability to possess its hosts.

Cocoa brings Gohan back to her apartment to rehearse, but she hides the fact that she was forced by Barry to let photos be taken of the pair for the tabloids.

She has a secret change of heart and does not let the photos get taken in her room. When the pair go to the roof the next morning, Barry gets the pictures of Gohan getting a kiss from Cocoa and revealing himself as Great Saiyaman. Barry immediately brings the photos to Videl in an attempt to expose Gohan as a cheater. As he tries to woo Videl again, she sees through Barry's act and refuses his advances. Watagashi finds and turns Barry into a powerful monster in the process. The possessed Barry knocks out Gohan and kidnaps Pan.

He seeks a final showdown with Gohan, but Barry proves formidable. Gohan is nearly killed in the struggle. Videl and Pan express complete faith in Gohan's desire to protect them and call out to encourage him.

Gohan transforms into 'Super Great Saiyaman' and knocks out Barry, which separates him from Watagashi in the process. The film becomes a hit. Cocoa blackmails Barry into keeping Gohan's secret with the knowledge that Barry was the monster that attacked the city. Now seeing him as less of a threat, Jaco lets Watagashi escape. Back to the Old Familiar Training Ground! Goku seeks a sparring partner to train with, but he laments being unable to find a suitable opponent.

On Goten's suggestion, Goku goes to ask Krillin, who is still working as a police officer. Krillin is grazed by a bullet during a shootout with a pair of burglars, but they are easily disarmed by Goku. Krillin declines Goku's offer to spar. He knows he would be no challenge for Goku and that he has given up martial arts for good.

Krillin is chastised by Android 18, who says the strong man she fell in love with could never be harmed by a bullet. Her words lead Krillin to reconsider Goku's offer and ultimately accepts it. Goku and Krillin leave for Master Roshi's to train as they did when they were children. Krillin proves to be no match for Goku even though Goku is wearing a heavy suit as a handicap. Sensing Krillin's self-doubt and believing that a different approach is needed, Master Roshi sends his students on a race to a heavily forested island to recover a rare herb.

As a reward, Master Roshi offers to teach the winner a secret technique that can immensely increase the user's strength. On the island, Goku and Krillin meet Fortuneteller Baba. They tell her about Master Roshi's challenge. Interested to see what will happen, Baba decides to observe the race using her crystal ball. Goku and Krillin venture into the forest in search of the herb.

As they enter, a heavy fog rolls in, where familiar foes emerge. Krillin's Fighting Spirit Returns! Krillin's Fighting Spirit Rebounds! Android 18 arrives at Master Roshi's house and searches for Krillin. Master Roshi and Fortuneteller Baba explain that Krillin and Goku have entered the 'Forest of Terror,' which is a place where they have to face illusions of enemies that they had battled before. Master Roshi intended this exercise as a way to help Krillin overcome his lack of confidence.

In the forest, Krillin is terrified by what he sees. Among the group of illusions are Tambourine, Frieza, Dabura, and Majin Buu, where all of them previously killed or seriously wounded Krillin. Overcome with fear, Krillin attempts to abandon the race and fly out of the forest. The trees move to block the entrance, which leave Goku and Krillin stranded. The illusions attack and separate Goku and Krillin. Krillin finds himself surrounded by the illusions, but his attacks only make them stronger.

After slicing one in half, he discovers that they are powered by his own energy. He heeds Master Roshi's training and calms himself down, which weakens the illusions. As a final challenge, Fortuneteller Baba summons an illusion of Super Shenron, which immediately ensnares Goku. Krillin quickly arrives and frees him. Goku and Krillin use a combined Kamehameha blast to destroy the illusion.

The illusions turn into the rare herbs that Master Roshi wanted. Goku and Krillin return to Master Roshi's house with bags full of the herb. Master Roshi admits that there is actually no secret technique. Krillin, who has regained his confidence, disagrees. Goku and Krillin soon leave. Krillin returns home, where Android 18 shaves his head. This signals Krillin's decision to pick up his martial arts training once again. The Universes' Best Tournament!! Meanwhile, Goku heads to a local farmer's market to sell his produce and get Chi-Chi off his back about making money.

On the way home, he is ambushed by some robbers. Goku defeats them, but he is injured in the process. Deciding that he has grown rusty, Goku and Goten decide to train with Whis. They head to the Capsule Corporation building, where Bulma reveals she is pregnant with her and Vegeta's second child. Goten remains behind to train with Trunks. Vegeta declines to accompany Goku so that he can be with Bulma when she gives birth.

Goku heads to Beerus' planet alone. Beerus threatens to kill Goku if he steps out of line again. The Grand Minister explains the details of the 'Tournament of Power' and states that it will be held in the 'Null Realm'. It is a place of 'infinite nothingness', where the competitors can fight without limits.

The tournament champion will be granted a wish by the Super Dragon Balls, while the losers and their respective universes will be completely erased from existence. Everyone is horrified by this harsh penalty. Universes Seven and Nine are required to gather three fighters. Goku declares that he will defeat any opponent he faces. Goku sets off to recruit teammates. After Vegeta refuses, Goku recruits Gohan. He explains to Gohan the potential penalty of the Tournament of Power.

Gohan tells Goku to keep the stakes a secret to prevent mass panic. Goku also recruits Majin Buu, who is accompanied by Mr. The 7th Universe's Majin Buu!! Basil quickly gains the upper hand and beats down Majin Buu, who is not taking the fight seriously and thinks of it as a game.

Goku goads Basil into showing his full power to get Majin Buu's attention, which leads to Basil using his ultimate attack. Basil and Roh are shocked to see this. Satan is injured during the attack.

He tells Majin Buu to beat Basil before falling unconscious. This enrages Majin Buu to the point, where he effortlessly beats Basil and knocks him out of the ring. Roh gives Basil a drug that makes him far more powerful.

The Grand Minister announces that the rules will be improvised as the tournament goes along. Basil overpowers Majin Buu and seemingly beats him, which causes Roh to prematurely gloat about the superiority of Universe Nine.

However, Majin Buu emerges unscathed and launches a full power attack at Basil. This knocks Basil out. Majin Buu wins the match and earns the victory for Universe Seven. Bergamo gives Lavender permission to kill his opponent. Son Gohan's Fight!! Gohan's Fight! Son Gohan no tatakai!! As their battle begins, Lavender spits a poison mist into Gohan's eyes and blinds him. The Universe Seven Supreme Kai, Shin, offers Gohan a Senzu bean to cure the poison, but Gohan refuses and says he wants to fight with his strength alone.

Unable to see, Gohan uses his other senses to track Lavender and scores several blows. Lavender counters by levitating, which eliminates the sound of his footsteps.

Gohan responds by powering up to Super Saiyan and bouncing his own ki off of Lavender's body, which uses it as a kind of active radar. Powering up also causes the poison to spread rapidly through Gohan's body.

Lavender mounts a comeback. In desperation, Gohan grabs hold of Lavender and launches a kamikaze attack. He drives both of their bodies into the ring at high speed. Lavender is knocked out, but Gohan is so weakened by the poison that he cannot continue. With both fighters down, the match is declared a tie. The Grand Minister states that all universes that lose in the Tournament of Power will be erased with their respective gods as well.

The Angels from all universes will be exempt from erasure as well. With the announcement concluded, the ring is repaired. Which One Wields the Limitless Power?! Before their battle begins, Bergamo denounces Goku before the assembled gods and angels. Both Goku and Bergamo agree to the terms. When the fight begins, Bergamo invites Goku to hit him and leaves himself exposed. Goku obliges and strikes Bergamo several times, but Bergamo absorbs the energy of Goku's attacks.

He grows stronger and physically larger. Goku continues to attack, which causes Bergamo to grow so large that the ring begins to buckle under his weight. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, which shocks the gods and quickly overwhelms Bergamo with a Kaio-ken powered Kamehameha. Bergamo claims every universe participating in the Tournament of Power will seek vengeance on Goku for making them face erasure, but Goku relishes the idea of such a challenge.

The Tournament of Power will begin soon. The universe with the most fighters remaining or the last fighter standing will be declared the winner. After Goku's short fight with Bergamo, Goku agrees to fight Top.

Toppo the Warrior of Justice Intrudes!! Top quickly gains the upper hand and dislocates Goku's shoulder. Goku responds by attacking with a flurry of blows, but Top manages to grab Goku in a powerful bear hug. Goku gains the upper hand in this form and damages Top with a Kamehameha. Just as the two power up even more, the Grand Minister puts an end to the fight. The Grand Minister begins creating a martial arts stage suitable for the Tournament of Power. The group agrees to convene at the Capsule Corporation to discuss their future strategy.

Who are the Strongest Ten?! Who Are The Mighty Ten? Goku and the others arrive at Capsule Corporation. They discuss who should be on the team. Goku immediately suggests Monaka, but Beerus tells him that Monaka is sick and cannot participate in the Tournament of Power. Trunks and Goten are ruled out due to their inexperience.

They proceed to ask Vegeta, who has been thinking of a name for his second child. Vegeta refuses to participate in the Tournament of Power. He says he will not fight, while Bulma is pregnant. Whis uses his time warping ability to birth the baby sooner than expected in order to get Vegeta to participate in the Tournament of Power. Everyone celebrates the baby's birth. Trunks is slightly disappointed he has a younger sister because he wanted to train with a younger brother.

As soon as the baby is handed to Vegeta, he develops an attachment to her. Bulma names the baby Bulla even though Vegeta hoped to give her the Saiyan name Eschalot.

However, Vegeta quickly accepts Bulla's name. Goku leaves to recruit team members and flies to Krillin's house. Android 18 convinces Krillin to participate in order to put his newfound martial arts training to use.

Season 4 Complete. Season 5 Part-1 p[5. Season 5 Part-2 p[5. Season 5 Complete. Login to your account Remember Me Register a new account Lost your password? Dragon Ball Super Jul. Info Cast Trailer. Akira Toriyama.

Masako Nozawa. Takeshi Kusao. Additionally, Funimation will be handling home video distribution of the series for the United States and Canada. Head over to Funimation for more details on the great news for Dragon Ball fans. Dragon Ball was initially inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West.

The series follows the adventures of the protagonist, Son Goku, from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered.


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